How to Design a Modern Disabled Wet Room [2023]

With disability rights and inclusivity taking the spotlight, designing an accessible wet room is more important than ever. Such rooms need to be practical, beautiful and comfortable — a space where people with disabilities or mobility issues can feel relaxed and safe. If you want to create a modern disabled wet room that meets all these needs and is stylish too, we've got you covered! Here, we look at how to design a functional yet visually appealing space by considering elements such as accessibility options, proper drainage systems, anti-slip floors and more. Read on for everything you need to know about creating your dream disabled wet room in 2023!

Why choose a wet room?

Wet rooms often pop up as the favoured choice for bathroom remodelling projects. Among several benefits, the main reason to set up a wet room for disabled people is that it increases their mobility within the bathroom. Eliminating bulky bathtubs, shower trays, steps, and thresholds make accessing the shower and other fixtures much easier, thus providing a sense of independence.

Wetroom technology offers anti-slip solutions, wall-mounted elements and waterproofed walls to make it safe for disabled users or the elderly. In addition to making life easier on a daily basis, wet rooms offer a number of aesthetic features like recessed shelves, taps built into panels or full wall coverings, which can be perfectly customised to match any size and style of space.

What to consider when designing a disability-friendly wet room

Designing a disability-friendly wet room requires careful consideration of the features necessary for a comfortable, safe and accessible experience for people with disabilities. The starting point should be reviewing the expected user's accessibility needs, taking into account the size of the bathroom, height requirements from floor to ceiling and restrictions on transfers in and out of the shower.

Key considerations include allowing enough space to use a wheelchair in the bathroom safely; installing grab rails; providing easy access to water temperature controls; selecting non-slip flooring; adding lighting to ensure adequate visibility; accounting for different heights when selecting sinks/benches/basins and ensuring there is ample room around cabinetry. Creating comfort, safety, and convenience does not have to come at the expense of style – many modern fixtures can create an aesthetically appealing space.

Designing a wet room for a disabled person

Adapting your wet room to support mobility devices

When designing a wet room for a disabled person, it is important to ensure that it has the capability to accommodate various mobility devices. It can include accessibility layouts, grab rails or handrails, low-level shower trays, and appropriate bathroom fittings. Furthermore, good use of contrast in the room's design can help those with impaired vision identify different areas of the room more easily.

Therefore it is highly recommended always to consider certain key characteristics when adapting a wet room to make it suitable for those with limited mobility or other impairments to provide a comfortable and safe environment.

Integrating assistive technologies

Designing a wet room for a disabled person can be challenging, but incorporating the right assistive technologies can make it easier. From specialised washbasins and sinks to widespread shower systems and handrails – there is a multitude of accessible designs available that offer convenience as well as comfort for disabled people. Special floor drains or raised toilet seats with grab rails should also be considered during the design process to ensure that the wet room has all the necessary features for comfortable use by disabled individuals.

Furthermore, various products such as adjustable height shower chairs allow the user to easily transfer from their wheelchair into the shower without needing someone else's help. All of these assistive technologies aim to improve accessibility, practicality, and independence in everyday life, making wet rooms more comfortable for those whose physical abilities are limited.

Adding supportive features for greater comfort

Creating an accessible and comfortable wet room for a disabled person involves adding features which will support them in their day-to-day needs. Installing smart toilet seats is a great way to make the bathroom experience more manageable. Smart toilet seats include adjustable height, extra strength, padded lids and armrests, warm air dryers with different settings, and bidets for better hygiene.


a smart toilet seat inside a grey tiled bathroom

Additionally, it's important to consider providing handlebars that are within easy reach of the user and ensuring all power outlets are higher than floor level to prevent water damage. These measures help ensure that the wet room is optimised for safety and comfort regardless of disability.

Considering layout

When designing a wet room for a disabled person, the layout is an essential consideration. It should be thoughtfully and carefully designed to provide maximum access and comfort while ensuring the individual feels safe and secure. A design not suited to specific needs can lead to discomfort and even further disability issues. Therefore, all aspects must be taken into account: door positioning, railings, surface grips, and wall heights; all of these can have an impact on usability.

In addition, the materials chosen should provide stability throughout their use over time, such as durable vinyl sheeting to prevent water infiltration or tiles that are designed not to be affected by temperature changes. Choosing appropriate products based on careful research makes it possible to create a wet room that offers a safe and easily accessible facility for disabled users.

Maximising space with ergonomic fixtures

When designing a wet room for a disabled person, ergonomic fixtures can maximise the available space. It can include specialised taps, adjustable shower chairs and power lifts to help users maintain their independence. Careful consideration must ensure the fixtures are correctly sized and placed within the wet room. The fixtures mustn't impede the disabled user's movement while they manoeuvre in and out of the wet room.

Depending on the individual's requirements, customisable options such as detachable arms, narrow backrests and different seat heights may also be considered when selecting an ergonomic fixture for a disability-friendly wet room.

Using water-resistant and durable materials

When designing a wet room for a disabled person, special attention should be paid to the materials used. Water-resistant and durable materials such as epoxy grout and tile are essential to ensure that the wet room won't need to be replaced due to water damage anytime soon. The design should also allow for easy cleaning and maintenance of these materials, preventing any problems caused by mould and mildew. It will enable an individual with disabilities to feel comfortable in their wet room, knowing that everything has been considered to make it safe and reliable, so it can be enjoyed for years to come.

Picking plumbing systems

When planning a wet room for a disabled person, it is important to make sure you pick the right plumbing system that meets their specialised needs and provides them with a safe and accessible environment. To do so, there are several things you need to consider at the outset, including choosing appropriate fixtures that are easy to use, locating shower main controls within reach of their wheelchair, and positioning grab bars around entryways and shower seats.

Every individual's needs differ depending on their physical ability, so it is essential to discuss critical elements promptly before construction begins to create an effective wet room that fits their daily lifestyle. With the right attention to detail, you can take home a well-designed and efficient plumbing system that aids your disabled user or resident.

Incorporating smart control systems

When designing a wet room for a disabled person, incorporating smart control systems should be considered. This technology enables users to control their environment's temperature and humidity easily. Additionally, it allows for automated functions and can even be programmed to change settings as needed. Smart control systems are intuitive, user-friendly, and help reduce energy costs.

From a safety perspective, digital displays allow caretakers to check on the well-being and comfort of disabled individuals quickly. Investing in this cutting-edge technology will create an all-around better experience for the user.

Maintaining your wet room

When designing a wet room for a disabled person, it is extremely important to keep maintenance in mind. A well-maintained wet room carries the least risk of injury or other health complications. Careful attention should be given when selecting the right materials, paying particular attention to water resistance, slip resistance and airflow.

Choosing tile sizes that provide added security will help prevent falls and slips. Keeping drains clear and running water efficiently will lead to an easier maintenance routine. Good ventilation is also essential to prevent condensation build-up, which can lead to mould growth. Paying close attention to these details while installing and maintaining your wet room will create a safe environment for those with disabilities.

What is a good size for a walk-in shower?

Walking into a shower that is too small for comfortable usage can be incredibly frustrating, especially for disabled people. Disabled people typically need more space to manoeuvre and move around in the shower, so it's essential to ensure enough room for them to do so.

A good size for a walk-in shower for a disabled person would be large enough to accommodate their needs while also feeling open and spacious. Ensuring that grab bars are installed properly and at an appropriate height is another key element in creating a practical yet comfortable space that disabled people can use safely on their own. A general rule of thumb when calculating the minimum size of a walk-in shower is that it should be 60" by 36". However, a larger size would often be better to ensure ample room is available. Ultimately, when considering the size of a walk-in shower for a disabled person, safety and comfort must always come first.

Decorating your wet room

Wet rooms are an excellent choice for any home, especially for people with mobility issues. With the right design and decorations, you can create a safe, convenient, and comfortable bathroom experience for your disabled family member or friend. To decorate your wet room in the most accommodating way, start by removing any excess furniture and replacing it with sturdy items such as cane chairs and shower chairs. To maximise accessibility, include handrails to help with movement. Installing an adjustable showerhead is also recommended, as it helps ensure everyone can bathe safely and comfortably.

Place easy-to-clean flooring such as vinyl to prevent slips, add colourful artwork or wall hangings to make the space more inviting, and use bright lighting to improve visibility. Following these simple steps will ensure that your wet room provides comfort and ease of use for someone in need of accessible accommodations.

Fixing common issues with wet rooms

Creating a wet room for a disabled person can come with its own set of challenges. One of the most common issues to consider is making sure that the space is accessible and safe. To ensure this, flooring should be level, non-slip, and have adequate drainage. Installing handrails near entrance points, in the shower, and around any fixtures can also help create a more secure environment for those with mobility impairments.

Additionally, ensuring that temperature controls are easy to reach is imperative to prevent accidental scalding or freezing. Finally, as part of stocking the wet room with suitable supplies, it's important to remember that these items should be easily reachable by the person who will use them – this could involve adding shelves and baskets at an accessible height. With these elements installed, a disability-friendly wet room will have been created - a safe space specifically tailored to those with impairments.

Do wet rooms require special flooring?

Wet rooms are becoming increasingly popular in homes due to their modern, streamlined appearance and convenience. These specialised bathrooms require certain flooring materials, such as non-porous tiling or sealed concrete, in order to prevent water from leaking into other areas below and allowing for a waterproofed environment. Wet rooms also require a slight slope of the flooring, which guides water towards the drain and allows proper ventilation in the room. Taking the proper steps to ensure that your wet room has the right flooring is paramount before starting any renovation so that you don't have any unexpected problems later down the line.


To conclude this discussion, it is clear that investing resources into designing a modern disabled wet room is a significant and necessary investment in 2023. Taking into consideration the needs of disabled users, considering options like grab bars or non-slip floors are essential for providing a safe and comfortable experience in the bathroom.

The great thing about contemporary disabled wet rooms is that they offer both privacy and increased levels of independence for those with mobility problems. With an array of stylish features and great designs to choose from, creating a disabled wet room has never been easier! Even though installing these features may require more time and effort, it will all be worth it in the end when you can provide much-needed comfort and accessibility for those individuals who need it most.

Our smart toilet seats come fitted with a bidet, dryer, UV sanitiser and much more, making the toilet more accessible than ever for the mobility-impaired. Shop our full range of smart toilet seats today.